Ishigami-san, also known as Osatsu Shrine, is located in the picturesque town of Osatsu, Mie Prefecture. The shrine is dedicated to Ishigami-no-Kami, the goddess of stones and protection. Known for its unique connection to the sacred power of stones, it is a revered spiritual destination that attracts visitors seeking blessings for health, protection, and prosperity.
Ishigami-san is dedicated to Ishigami-no-Kami, believed to protect and offer blessings through the power of stones. The shrine is renowned for its large stones that are considered sacred and are believed to hold special spiritual significance. The atmosphere is tranquil, surrounded by lush nature, making it a place for deep reflection and prayer.
Ishigami-san (Osatsu Shrine) is a serene shrine where visitors can connect with the spiritual power of stones. With its peaceful setting and special connection to protection and health, it offers a meaningful experience for those seeking blessings and spiritual calm.