Takachihogawara, located in Kirishima, Kagoshima Prefecture, serves as a prominent trailhead for hikers aiming to ascend Mount Takachiho-no-Mine and explore the surrounding Kirishima mountain range. Situated at an elevation of approximately 970 meters, it provides access to peaks such as Mount Nakadake and Shinmoedake.
Adjacent to the trailhead is the Takachihogawara Visitor Center, which was renovated in 2022. The center offers comprehensive information on the area’s natural environment, cultural history, and current trail conditions. Exhibits include models, photographs, and audiovisual materials detailing the region’s geology and the rich tapestry of myths associated with Kirishima.
For those traveling by car, the Takachihogawara Parking Lot is available. As of recent updates, the parking fees are 500 yen for standard vehicles and 200 yen for motorcycles. Payments are facilitated through automated ticket machines installed in April 2022.
The area is also of significant cultural importance. According to Shinto beliefs, Takachihogawara is the legendary site where Ninigi-no-Mikoto, the grandson of the sun goddess Amaterasu, descended from the heavens—a pivotal event known as Tenson Kōrin.
In summary, Takachihogawara is not only a gateway for mountain enthusiasts but also a locale rich in cultural heritage, offering visitors both natural beauty and a deep connection to Japan’s mythological past.